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Scholarship Search

Use the options below to determine your search criteria. Please note that you can search three different ways.

  • Category Search - Scholarships are assigned categories by your schools. This option allows you to identify and search the categories that you feel are most relevant to you.
  • Keyword(s) Search - Your school may assign a keyword to a scholarship. This option allows you to search that keyword field.
  • Description and Name Search - You can simply search the description or name of scholarships to see if they contain words that you might deem suitable (e.g. Biology).

Scholarships (346)

Andrew C. Porto Endowed Scholarship Fund

Education Major
238066, 238206, 238104
The student(s) must be majoring in Education. The student(s) must be a full-time undergraduate student and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. The student(s) must be a U.S. citizen and first generation in this country (i.e., child of two immigrant parents/single parent) or an immigrant themselves. 


"Imagine"- An Alumni Scholarship

Undergraduate Full Time
The undergraduate student must be enrolled full-time and must maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher. 



291 Social Work Endowed Fellowship

238170, 238069, 238266

The candidate must be a graduate student in the Department of Social Work entering his/her clinical concentration year within the master's program. The student must achieve a GPA of 3.2 or higher.


Abie Grossfeld Endowed Gymnastics Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student of high academic standing and a member of the women's gymnastics team.


Adelaide George Endowed Scholarship Fund

238066, 238104, 238206
The student must be a full time undergraduate who is majoring in Education. The student must have  a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Preferance to students of Hungarian descent.

Albert and Jeanette Wolfe Endowed Scholarship Fund

238066, 238104, 238206
The student must part time or full time and majoring in Education with a minimum GPA of 3.0. 

Alfreda A. Burblis Memorial Nursing Scholarship

238069, 238142
The recipient must be a junior or senior accepted into the School of Nursing. The student must maintain satisfactory academic standing and be in financial need as defined by the FAFSA.

Alfreda and Janet Burblis Family Nursing Scholarship

238069, 238142
The recipient must be an incoming Freshman accepted directly into the School of Nursing. The student must maintain satisfactory academic standing.

Alice Lincoln Wright Memorial Scholarship Fund

238064, 238108, 238213
The student(s) must be majoring in English entering their sophomore or junior year. The student(s) must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Alisa Slatin Rhodie Endowed Scholarship

Communication Disorders Psychology Education Nursing
238064, 238066, 238070, 238093, 238104, 238142, 238151, 238200, 238206, 238246, 238254
The student must be an undergraduate student majoring in Education, Communication Disorders, Psychology, or Nursing. 
Preferance will be given to a first-generation college student.

Alvin Wood Endowed Scholarship Fund

The recipient must have a minimum of twenty-four earned credits and a minimum gpa of 2.8
The scholarship is to support educationally disadvantaged students; particularly students admitted thru the Educational Opportunity Program, CONNCAP, or similar collegiate access programs.


Andrew Catalogna Galardi Endowed Scholarship Fund

238058, 238064, 238110, 238214, 238215
The student must be registered in the Environmental Education/Science Education Programs with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Preference will be given to an elementary school teacher. 


Angelina Porto Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

238064, 238066, 238104, 238175, 238206, 238274
The student must be a full time undergraduate student majoring in Theatre, English Education or Elementary Ed with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
The student must be a U.S. citizen and first generation in this country (i.e. child of two immigrant parents/single parent) or an immigrant themselves. The students contributions to the University/Community will also be considered.


Anna L. LoPresti Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

The student must be a member of the graduating class of Seymour High School accepted as a full time freshman at SCSU.
Students contribution to Seymour High School and/or community also considered.

Awarded by Seymour High School.


Anne Bianchi Gundersen Scholarship Fund

238066, 238206, 238104
The student must be a full time undergraduate student majoring in Elementary Education. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered .


Anne Marie Murphy Endowed Scholarship Fund

Special Education
238058, 238066, 238172, 238269
The student must be a graduate student enrolled full or part-time in the School of Education at the University pursuing a special education degree. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.


Anthony J. & Nicholas P. Criscuolo Memorial Scholarship Fund

Education Major
238066, 238104, 238206
The student(s) must be a full-time sophomore majoring in Education. The student must be of high academic standing. Preferance is given to graduates of a high school in the City of New Haven.

Anthony S. and Virginia Avallone Endowed Scholarship

The student(s) must be either an incoming freshman who will be a full-time undergraduate student or a currently matriculated full-time undergraduate student in his/her sophomore, junior or senior year, or a graduate student. The student must be a resident of public housing with priority given to a resident of the West Rock area of New Haven.


Anthony V. Pinciaro Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

The student must be a full-time undergraduate student in their sophomore, junior or senior year or a part-time graduate student who has completed at least 12 credits of graduate work at Southern. The student must be of high academic standing. The students contributions to the University/Community will also be considered.



Anthony Verlezza Endowed Scholarship Fund

Football School of Business
238065, 238085
The recipient must meet the following criteria:
       a. Be an undergraduate student enrolled full-time at the University. (Incoming freshman and transfer students are eligible, so long as they are in compliance with NCAA Eligibility Legisltation.
       b. Must be enrolled in a program or disciplin within the School of Business.
       c. Must maintain satisfactory academic standing as defined by the university or specific requirements of the academic program.
       d. Must be participating as an active team member in the Football Program.
       e. Must be in compliance with NCAA Eligibility Legislation. 



Antoinette Carbone Tarini Endowed Memorial Scholarship

238064, 238118, 238219, 238220, 238224, 238233, 238261, 238268
The recipient must be a sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student majoring in a foreign language. The student must have a minimum GPA of 3.0. Funds may be used for participation in the SCSU study abroad programs.


Arlene B. Buley Endowed Scholarship Fund

238230, 238237, 238238
The first preferance will be given to a full-time undergraduate student in their sophomore, junior, or senior year majoring in Library-Information Service/Science. If a qualified undergraduate candidate cannot be selected a full or part time graduate student enrolled in the Master of Library Science degree program, the Master of Science degree program in Instructional Technology, or the Sixth Year program Library Information Studies may be awarded. The students GPA must be a 3.0 or higher. the financial need of the applicants will be considered. The student Contributions to the University/community may also be considered.


Armand Dikranian Annual Scholarship

The recipient must be a member of the men's soccer team.


Barbara G. Mastroianni Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

238206, 238213, 238066, 238104
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student in their junior or senior year majoring in English Education. The recipient must be of high academic standing and be a graduate of Hamden High School. A permanent resident of the Town of Hamden may also be considered. A students contributions to the University/Community will also be considered.


Barbara Lynch Ortoleva Endowed Scholarship Fund

238064, 238066, 238193, 238196, 238199, 238204, 238206, 238215, 238223, 238250, 238264
The student must be majoring in either the Education, Communications or Science..


Barbara Matthews Endowed Scholarship

The student must be an active member of the University's Black Student Union. The student must also be a sophomore, junior, or senior with a GPA of 2.2 or greater.


Barbara McEwen Memorial Scholarship

238058, 238151, 238254
The candidate must be a matriculated graduate student enrolled in the Psychology program with a GPA of 3.5 or higher. The student must also have 9 or more credits in the program. Preference will be given to students who are planning or carrying out Independent research, either for a thesis or an Independent study. The scholarship may be renewed to the previous recipient provided satisfactory academic progress is achieved and along with the above criteria.


Beatrice H. Rockwell Endowed Scholarship Fund

238066, 238206, 238104
The recipient must be a full time Junior or Senior majoring in Education seeking certification in high school teaching. Student must have a 3.0 or higher GPA.


Beatrice Rockwell Memorial Scholarship Fund

238066, 238206, 238104
The student must be a full time Senior majoring in Education with high academic standing. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered.


Besse and Harry Satosky Endowed Scholarship Fund

Communication Disorders Major
238200, 238064, 238093
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student majoring in Communication Disorders. The recipient must also be of high academic standing.

Bessie Lee Gambrill Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Masters of Education
238058, 238066, 238206
The recipient must be a full-time graduate student majoring in Education. The student must be of high academic standing.

Betsy Collier (Ethel Stannard) Endowed Scholarship Fund

238064, 238273, 238084
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate in their Junior or Senior year. The student must be majoring in Studio Art and of high academic standing.


Beverly Levett Gerber Fellowship

The recipient must be a Graduate student majoring in Special Education who holds an Undergraduate degree in Art Education. The recipient must be full or part-time and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. 


Blanche Bornemann Baldwin Scholarship Fund

Elementary Education Major
238066, 238104, 238206
The recipient must be a full time student in their Junior or Senior year, majoring in Elementary Education with high academic standing. The students contributions to the University and/or community will also be considered.

Bruce Hutchinson Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student of high academic standing and a member of the Men's Swim Team.


C.H. Nickerson & Company Endowed Scholarship Fund

The student must have applied and been accepted to the University and enrolled full time. The student's contributions to the University and/or community will be considered.


Candice Lynn Keim Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

Art Major
238064, 238185, 238084
The recipient must be a full time female undergraduate student majoring in Art with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. The student must demonstrate financial need.


Carbone Family Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

Schwartz Hall
The recipient must be a full time Sophomore, Junior, or Senior with high academic standing. The student is to have lived or is living in Schwartz Hall. The students contributions to the University and Community will also be considered.


Carl W. and Audrey S. Paight Endowed Athletic Fund for Men & Women

The recipient(s) must be a member of an NCAA-sanctioned team complying with all academic and other requirements to remain on the team. The student must be a full time undergraduate.


Carlton and Verna Nivet Endowed Scholarship

238070, 238142
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student enrolled as a major in the Department of Nursing. The student must also have a GPA of 3.2 or higher and have financial need. Priority consideration will be given to historically underrepresented populations in a manner that encourages diversity among the student body.


Carol A. Stone Scholarship Fund

238066, 238104, 238125
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full time in the Department of Information and Library Sciences or a graduate student (full time or part time) enrolled in the School of Education's Master of Library Science Program. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and in financial need.


Carol Ann Shea Education Endowment (UG/GR)

238066, 238104, 238206
For students who are enrolled full time or part time in the School of Education OR students studying to be Secondary Education teachers with a major in another school. 

Carol Satosky Druckman Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

Graduate Communication Disorders
238058, 238064, 238093, 238200
The recipient must be a full time graduate student majoring in Communication Disorders with high academic standing. 

Charlene H. Riccardi Memorial Fund

The student must be an incoming or current undergraduate or graduate student. The student may be majoring in any program within the Department of Information and Library Sciences.

Charles B. Ferguson Geography Endowed Scholarship

Geography Major
238064, 238120, 238223
The recipient must be an undergraduate student majoring in Geography.


Charles S. and Eugenia M. Whitney Endowed Scholarship Fund

238064, 238129, 238234
The recipient must be a full time Junior or Senior who has completed at least 20 credits at SCSU. The student must be majoring in Journalism with a GPA of 3.2 or better. The students contributions to the community and University will be considered.


Chemistry Department Fund

238064, 238091, 238196
The recipient must be a Sophomore or Junior majoring in Chemistry. The student must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Preference for those with unmet need.

Cheryl J. Norton Leadership Endowed Scholarship

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. The student must also demonstrate leadership to the community. Preference will be give to those that demonstrate leadership skills through involvement with co-curricular activities, student organizations, and athletics and club sports or other student leadership opportunities. 


Christiane M. Fenniger Endowed Scholarship

Music Theatre
238243, 238274, 238064, 238141, 238175
The recipient must be a Junior or Senior majoring in Music or Theatre with a GPA of 3.5 or higher. The student must demonstrate musical or theatre potential. The students contributions to the University and community will also be considered.


Christopher M. Borajkiewicz, '98 Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a full time student enrolled in the School of Business in their Sophomore, Junior, or Senior year. The student must be a commuter and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Priority consideration will be given to a student who is a child of a widowed parent.


Class of 1938 Bruce W. Erickson Endowed Scholarship

Elementary Education
238066, 238104
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student majoring in Elementary Education.


Class of 1938 Endowed Scholarship Fund

Elementary Education
238066, 238104
The recipient must be a full or part time undergraduate student majoring in Elementary Education. The student must have a GPA of 3.2 or higher. The student's participation in campus and/or community activities will also be considered as well as a students financial need.

Class of 1938 Mary Driscoll Endowed Scholarship Fund

238066, 238104
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student majoring in Elementary Education. The student must be of high academic standing with a minimum GPA of 3.2.  Financial need will be considered. Contributions to the campus/community will be considered.

Class of 1940 Hickerson Memorial Scholarship Fund

Elementary Education
238066, 238104
The recipient must be a full time Junior or Senior majoring in Elementary Education with high academic standing. 

Class of 1942 Endowed Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a full time student in their Junior or Senior year with high academic standing.


Class of 1951 Frank Gentile Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Elementary Education
238066, 238104
The recipient must be a full time student in their Sophomore, Junior, or Senior year majoring in Elementary Education. The student must be of high academic standing. The student(s) contributions to the University/community will be considered.


Class of 1953 Scholarship Fund

238066, 238104, 238206
The recipient must be a full time student in their Junior or Senior year majoring in Education. The student must be in financial need. Preference will be given to students who are sons/daughters of SCSU alumni. 

Class of 1954 Endowed Scholarship Fund

238066, 238104, 238206
The recipient must be a full time student in their Sophomore or Junior year majoring in Education. The student must be in financial need.


Class of 1955 Endowed Scholarship Fund

238066, 238104, 238206
The recipient must be a full time student in their Junior year majoring in Education with a GPA of 3.2 or higher. Preference wil be given to students involved in campus activities.


Class of 1966 Endowed Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student with high academic standing and financial need.


Class of 1971 Endowed Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student of high academic standing and with financial need.

Class of 1989 Endowed Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a full time student in their Sophomore year with high academic standing. The student must demonstrate leadership and service to the University and/or community. 


Clifford T. & Patricia H. Chieffo 1974 Distinguished Alumni Endowed Scholarship

Art Education Art History Studio Art ceramics graphic design jewelry/silversmithing photography painting printmaking
238064, 238084, 238186, 238188, 238273
The recipient must be an Undergraduate student majoring in Art Education, Art History, or Studio Art (this can include a focus on ceramics, graphic design, jewelry/silver-smithing, painting, photography, or printmaking). If not one of the following majors, the student must have a minor in Art Administration. The student must maintain satisfactory academic progress.


Col. James T. Quirk Endowed Scholarship Fund

Connecticut National Guard ROTC
The recipient must have completed the first year of advanced ROTC training. If no ROTC students are eligible, the award shall be given to an active member of the CT National Guard. The student must also be a full time student in their Senior year with high academic standing who has demostrated leadership potential.


Communication Disorders Program Endowment Fund

Communication Disorders
238064, 238093, 238200
The recipient must be a student majoring in Communication Disorders.

Cone Family (Maria, Virginia, and Winston) Scholarship

International Student

The recipient must be a full-time undergraduate international student in their sophomore, junior or senior year, or is an international graduate student.The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. The students contributions to the University and/or community will also be considered. 


Crerar Endowed Baseball Scholarship

The recipient must be an active team member in the Baseball program. The recipient must be an entering or current undergraduate or graduate student enrolled full time at the University. The recipient must maintain satisfactory academic standing as defined by the University and be in compliance with NCAA Eligibility Legislation.


Crescent Players Endowed Scholarship Fund

Crescent Players Theatre
238064, 238175, 238274
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student majoring in Theatre or be active in the Crescent Players with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. The students contributions to the University and community will also be considered.


Damian O'Neil Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

Beta Mu Sigma Football
The recipient must be a member of the Beta Mu Sigma Fraternity. In the event Beta Mu Sigma Fraternity has dissolved, the scholarship must be awarded to a currently enrolled student(s) who is participating as an active team member in the Football Program. The student also must be a currently enrolled full- or part-time undergraduate or graduate student at the University.  


Dana Rudzewick Efaw Endowed Scholarship

Public Health
238069, 238255
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full time or part time in the School of Health and Human Services, majoring in Public Health. The student must also demonstrate financial need and be involved in community service.



Daniel Ort Memorial Endowment

English Major Honors student
238064, 238108, 238213
The recipient must be an academically outstanding undergraduate student enrolled full time in the Honors College majoring in English. The student must be in their Junior or Senior year and have completed the Honors 200 level course requirements with a GPA of 3.25 or higher.


Danny Gonsalves Public Health Alumni Chapter Scholarship

Public Health
238069, 238153, 238255
The recipient must be in their Junior or Senior year majoring in Public Health. The student must be majoring in Public Health with high acadmic standing. 


Daughters of 1853 Nurse Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be enrolled in the Nursing program in good standing with a strong commitment to nursing. The student must be in financial need (must have a FAFSA on file). The student must be a Greater New Haven resident.

David James Cairney Endowed Scholarship Fund

Special Education
238066, 238172, 238269
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full time majoring in Special Education with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. The student must also demonstrate financial need.


David Pedersen Memorial Endowed Scholarship

The recipient must be an incoming freshman from Hamden High School who was active in the Arts or Student Leadership Activities (such as Student Government, etc.) at Hamden High School. Preference for a graduate of Bear Path Elementary School.

Awarded by Admissions.


David R. & Shannon H. McHale Endowed Scholarship

School of Business Track Cross Country
238065, 238085
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate enrolled in the School of Business and a member of the Men's or Women's Track or cross country Team. The recipient must be enrolled in a program/discipline within the School of Business. The student must maintain satisfactory academic standing and be in compliance with NCAA eligibility legislation.


Denise Marone Endowed Scholarship Fund

Public Health Female
238069, 238153, 238255
The recipient must be a full time female student majoring in Public Health. The student also must be of high academic standing and be in financial need.


Dennis M. Murphy Memorial Endowed Scholarship

The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full-time at the University with a minimum GPA of 2.0. The student must be in compliance with NCAA Eligibility Legislation and a member of the Men's Soccer Program.

Derry Lynn Kitchell Memorial Scholarship Fund

Social Work
238069, 238170, 238266
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student majoring in Social Work with high academic standing. The student also must demonstrate financial need. 



Diane Smith Drugge Endowed Scholarship

Haitian heritage English major
238064, 238108, 238213
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full time demonstrating an interest in majoring in English or English Literature. Preference will be given to a student of Haitian heritage.


Dillon Family Endowed Scholarship

Veteran of the Armed Forces Financial need required
The recipient must be a full time Sophomore, Junior, or Senior and a Veteran of the Armed Forces. The student must demonstrate financial need and be of high academic standing.


Dino Allegri and Norma E. Allegri Education Scholarship

School of Education
The recipients are students in the School of Education.

Distinguished Alumnus Endowed Scholarship Fund

Junior Senior
The recipient must be a full time student in their Junior or Senior year with high academic standing. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered.


Dolores Chiodo Carpentier Memorial Scholarship

Special Education
238172, 238269, 238066
The recipient must be an incoming or current undergraduate or graduate student, enrolled full or part-time. The student must have been accepted into the College of Education's Department of Special Education and maintain satisfactory academic progress. Preference is given to a student(s) with financial need.


Dominick and Maria Barbiero Mastrianni Memorial Scholarship

Foreign Language major
238064, 238179
The recipient must be a full time student in their Junior or Senior year majoring in Foreign Languages. Preference will be given to Italian majors.


Donald G. and Mary Ann K. Mitchell Endowed Scholarship

Elementary Education
238066, 238104
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student majoring in Elementary Education. The recipient will alternate between a female and a male student.

Doris Werner Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student with high academic standing. The student must demonstrate contributions to the University and/or the community. 


Dorothy A. (Fitzgibbons) Rocheford Annual Scholarship

The candidate must be an incoming or current undergraduate or graduate student. The student must be in financial need as determined by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships and/or the FAFSA.

Dorothy J. Martino Endowed Scholarship Fund

Bethany Orange, CT Woodbridge Education Science Math
238064, 238066
The recipient must be a full time student in their Sophomore, Junior, Senior year, or a Graduate student who is enrolled either full time or part time. The student must be majoring in Math, Science, or Education and a resident of Woodbridge, Orange or Bethany CT and have a GPA of 3.2 or higher. Priority consideration may be given to students who are active at the University and/or the community. 


Dorothy V. Schrader Endowed Scholarship

The recipient must be a Freshman student who is a member of the Honors College and be in financial need.


Dorothy Weisbauer Goodwin Endowment

Elementary Education
238066, 238104
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full time majoring in Elementary Education.


Douglas I. & Mary L. Relyea Endowed Scholarship

French German
238064, 238220, 238224, 238233, 238179
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled in the School of Arts and Sciences. The student must be full or part time majoring in French or German. The student must have completed 60 credits or more and have a GPA of 2.7 or higher.


Douglas Irving and Mary Lou Relyea Endowed Scholarship

Biology major Botany marine Environmental
238064, 238087, 238193
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full or part time with 60 credits or more. The student must have delcared Biology as their major with an academic area of study in Aquatic/Marine Biology, Botany, or Environmental Biology with a GPA of 2.7 or higher. Preference will be given to a student in financial need. 


Dr. Adelaide P. Amore Memorial Endowed Scholarship

English Literature Education
238064, 238108
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate pursuing a degree in English Literature with the intention of teaching upon graduation.


Dr. Dorothy R. and Dr. Morris A. Granoff Endowed Scholarship

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student with high academic standing.


Dr. Edmund L. Barbieri and Family Endowed Scholarship

Elementary Education
238066, 238104
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full time majoring in Elementary Education. The student must demonstrate academic achievement as well as financial need with a GPA of 3.2 or higher. Preference will be given to a student born and raised in Connecticut.


Dr. George J. Collins Academic-Athletic Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a member of a varsity team at SCSU. Every year one male and one female athlete will be selected for the awards. The student must be a full time undergraduate of high academic standing.


Dr. George J. Collins Basketball Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student on the basketball team. The student must maintain eligibility in accordance with NCAA standards.


Dr. Gioacchino S. Parrella Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

238066, 238104
The recipient must be a full time student in their Sophomore or Junior year majoring in Education. 

Dr. Hilton C. Buley Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student of high academic standing. The student must demonstrate leadership and service to the University and/or community.


Dr. J. Philip Smith Endowed Scholarship

238064, 238138, 238240
The recipient must be majoring in Math and enrolled full time. The student must be of high academic standing and demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to students who have made contributions to the University and/or the community. 


Dr. Joan Finn Exercise Science Scholarship

Exercise Science Human Performance
238069, 238111, 238217
The recipient must be a full time undergaduate student with a declared major in Exercise Science. The student must have completed 60 credits or more, have a GPA of 3.0 or more, and demonstrate financial need.
Preference will be given to a student with a Human Performance concentration or to students whose parents are currently serving or have served in the military. Preference may also be given to students who demonstrate involvement at the University in clubs, athletics, or involved  with the Human Performance Lab.


Dr. Kun Suryatmodjo Endowed Scholarship Fund

238065, 238103, 238205
The recipient must be a full time Sophomore, Junior, or Senior majoring in Economics with high academic standing. The student must also demonstrate financial need.


Dr. Lois J. King Scholarship Fund

Elementary Education
238066, 238104
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate in their Senior year majoring in Elementary Education. The student must be of high academic standing. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered.

Dr. Michael F. Tobin Endowed Scholarship

Education major Financial need required
238066, 238104
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full or part time. The student must be a declared Education major with a GPA of 3.0 or higher and demonstrate financial need.


Dr. William L. Philie Memorial Scholarship Fund

238064, 238123, 238228
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student majoring in History. The student must have a GPA of 2.7 or higher and demonstrate financial need. The student must participate in extracurricular activites and/or community service.


Ed Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student of high academic standing. The student must be a member of the Men's Varsity Basketball program.


Edward and Jean Mack Art and Music Endowed Scholarship Fund

Art Music
238064, 238084, 238141
The recipient must be enrolled full time and majoring in an Art or Music program. The student must have demonstrated artistic or musical potential. The students contributions to the University and community will also be considered. 

Eleanor and John Sobanik Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

238066, 238104
The recipient must be a full time student majoring in Education. The student must be of high academic standing.

Eleanor Jensen Endowed Scholarship Fund

School of Business Marketing
238065, 238136
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student enrolled in the School of Business. Preference will be given to a student majoring in Marketing. The student must be of high academic standing and demonstrate leadership  at the University (i.e, class officer, head of campus organization, etc.).

Ellen Frank Endowed Scholarship

School of Business
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full or part time in the School of Business. The student must have a GPA of 3.2 or higher and demonstrate financial need. Priority consideration will be given to a female student.


Elma Jean and John Wiacek Jr. Endowed Scholarship Fund

Library Science Graduate student
238133, 238238
The recipient must be a full time graduate student majoring in Library Science. The student must be of high academic standing. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered.


Emily Allen Keeney Endowed Scholarship

Painting Drawing
238064, 238084
The recipient must be a full or part time Sophomore, Junior, or Senior with a GPA of 2.8 or higher, enrolled in the School of Arts and Sciences. The student must be enrolled in a course or courses in painting or drawing. Priority consideration will be given to those who have declared Art as their major.


Emma and Henry Christmann Memorial Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a graduate or undergraduate student enrolled full or part time with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Preference will be given to single parents with dependent children. Community Service shall be considered.


Esther and Alexander Raffone Endowed Scholarship Fund

Elementary Education Mathematics
238206, 238240
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student in their Senior year majoring in Elementary Education AND Mathematics. The student must be of high academic standing. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered.


Ethel Kovach Forcinelli Memorial Scholarship Fund

Special Education Elementary Education
238066, 238104, 238172, 238206, 238269
The recipient must be a full time student in their Sophomore year majoring in Special Education or Elementary Education. The students contributions to the University and/or community will also be considered.

Eula Davies Scholarship Fund

Graduate Library Science
238058, 238133, 238238
The recipient must be a full time graduate student majoring in Library Science. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered.


F. E. Lowe Endowed Scholarship

238064, 238145, 238248
The recipient must be a Sophomore, Junior, or Senior sudent enrolled in a major or minor within the Department of Philosophy. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.


Finis E. Engleman Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Junior Senior

The recipient must be of high academic standing in their junior or senior year and enrolled full time.  The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered.

Football Alumni Network Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate with a GPA of 2.0 or higher. The student must be participating as an active team member in the Football Program.  May include incoming students as long as they are in compliance with NCAA Eligibility Legislation.

Football Captains Endowed Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a member of the varsity football team in their sophomore, junior, or senior year. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and be in financial need.


Foundation Student Support Fund

The fund shall be used to provide financial support to incoming freshmen as a recruiting tool.

Awarded by Admissions.

Francis A. O'Connell Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

Chemistry Math
238064, 238091, 238138, 238196, 238240
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student in their Junior or Senior, year majoring in Chemistry or Mathematics. The student must be of high academic standing. Preference will be given to a female student. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered.


Frank & Donna Mason Endowed Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student with high academic standing and financial need. Students who come from a single-parent household will be given preference.


Frank H. Samuelson Endowed Scholarship Fund

238104, 238206
The student(s) must be majoring in Education (preference will be given to Elementary Education/Math or Exercise Science majors and student athletes). The student must be in financial need.

Frederick Caccese Memorial Endowed Scholarship

School of Business
The recipient must be a full time student in their Junior or Senior year, enrolled in the School of Business. The student must be of high academic standing. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered.


Frederick DeVita & Teresa M. Sirico Endowed Scholarship

Recreation, Tourism and Leisure

The recipient must be a full or part time graduate student with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. In the event there is not a qualified graduate student, the scholarship will be awarded to a full or part time Junior or Senior with a minimum GPA of 2.8 or higher.
The student must be majoring in Recreation and Leisure in the School of Health and Human Services. Preference will be given to someone working with the elderly. The recipient is to be an older student who has financial need and/or other situations that make it diffcult to attend college.


Frederick J. Giovannini Endowed Scholarship

Single Parent
The recipient must be enrolled full time and demonstrate financial need. The student must be the child of a single mother with a GPA of 2.8 or higher.


Frew Family Endowed Scholarship Fund

Computer Science
238064, 238095, 238201
The recipient must be a full time student in their Senior year majoring in Computer Science with high academic standing. The student must be from the Greater New Haven area.


Friends of 1975 Football Annual Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled full time.  The student must be an active team member in the Football program. 
Preference given to a student majoring in any STEM discipline to include the following: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Sciences, Math, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Geography, and Marine Science.



Future Scientist Foundation Fund

238110, 238169, 238064
The recipient must be a certified teacher graduate, a graduate student pursuing certification, or an undergraduate science major who is completing the requirements for teacher certification through the Department of Science Education and Environmental Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences. The student must demonstrate the ability to motivate and assist students in developing science projects.


General Scholarship Admissions

General Admissions scholarship
For incoming Freshmen, Sophomore, or Junior. 


General Scholarship Fund

The student must be enrolled full time with high academic standing. A freshman, sophomore, and a junior will each be selected. The student(s) contributions to the Univerisity and/or community will also be considered.

Gerald and Regina Barbaresi Education Scholarship Fund

Education major
238066, 238104
The recipient must be a full time student in their Junior or Senior year majoring in Education and be of high academic standing. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered. The student must be in financial need.


Gerald and Regina Barbaresi Nursing Scholarship Fund

Nursing Major
238070, 238142, 238246
The recipient must be a full time student in their Junior or Senior year or be a graduate student (who has completed at least 12 credits of graduate work in the Nursing Program at SCSU) majoring in Nursing. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered.


Geraldine Frankel Endowed Scholarship Fund

Special Education
238066, 238172, 238269
The recipient must be an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in the School of Education working towards a Special Education certification. The student must be of high academic standing and demonstrate a commitment to enhancing the life opportunities of individuals with special needs. Preference will be given to individual having a secondary education focus.


Gertrude Flicker Gould Educational Foundation Scholarship

The recipient must  be enrolled full time and have graduated from one of the public schools in the Greater Bridgeport area.  The students financial need, gpa, student activites, and community involvement will also be considered.

Gina Vance Special Education Scholarship

Special Education major
238066, 238104, 238172, 238269
The recipient must be an undergraduate student majoring in Special Education with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. 


Gladys & John Soto Endowed Scholarship Fund

Organization of Latin students
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full time with a GPA of 2.5 or higher. The student must be involved with the Organization of Latin American Students or a similar student group. Priority consideration will be given to a student who is of Puerto Rican heritage.


Graduate Student Affairs Endowed Scholarship

Graduate Student
The recipient must be a matriculated, non-doctoral graduate student enrolled full time. The student must have earned a minimum of 9 graduate level credits at SCSU and maintain a GPA of 3.5 or higher. The student must complete the Graduate Student Affairs Endowed Scholarship Essay on the Foundation application as well as provide a resume.


H. Pearce Family Endowed Scholarship Fund

Connecticut Resident
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student with high academic standing and demonstrate financial need. The student must be a resident of the State of Connecticut.


Harry and Mary Inglese Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund


The recipient must be a member of a Men's or Women's Varsity athletic team. and a graduate from the Wallingford Public School system. The student must be an undergraduate enrolled full time.


Harry Levitin Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

Math Chemistry
238064, 238091, 238138, 238196, 238240
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student enrolled in either the mathematics or chemistry programs. The student must have a minimum GPA of 2.8 and demonstrate financial need.


Helen Grillo Endowed Scholarship Fund

Special Education
238066, 238104, 238172, 238269
The recipient must be a full time Senior majoring in Special Education. The recipient must be of high academic standing and be in financial need.


Helen Rakieten Endowed Scholarship Fund

Elementary Education
238066, 238104
The recipient must be a full time Senior majoring in Elementary Education with high academic standing.

Henry "Hank" Luzzi Annual Football Scholarship

The recipient must be an active team member in the Football program.


Henry Gates Endowed Scholarship

238064, 238138, 238240
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full time majoring in Mathematics. The student must have a GPA of 2.6 or higher.


Honors College Endowed Scholarship

Honors College

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student in good academic standing that is participating in the Honors College Program.

Honors College Program Endowment


The recpient must be participating in the Honors College Program. 

Ida M. Caccese Computer Science Scholarship Fund

Computer Science
238064, 238095, 238201
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate in their Sophomore, Junior, or Senior year majoring in Computer Science. The student must be of high academic standing. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered.


Italian American Historical Society Endowed Scholarship

238064, 238179, 238233
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student majoring or minoring in Italian. The student must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher. 


J. LeRoy and Patricia F. Ward Endowed Scholarship

Field Hockey
The recipient must be a member of the women's varsity field hockey team with high academic standing.


Jack and Anne Litten Memorial Endowed Scholarship

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student of high academic standing. The student must be involved in a campus musical activity.


Jack F. George Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

Recreation, Tourism, and Leisure
238064, 238158, 238257
The recipient must be an undergraduate or graduate student majoring in Recreation and Leisure Studies.

James & Doris Barber Athletic Endowment

Track Cross Country
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student  who graduated from a CT Public High Schol. The student must be on the Women's Track and Field or Cross Country team and maintian a GPA of 2.5 or higher.


James & Doris Barber Endowed Scholarship

Track Cross Country
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate studnet and a member of the Women's Track and Field or Cross Country Program. 


James & Priscilla Blake Endowed Scholarship

238064, 238066, 238109, 238110, 238169
This scholarship is to support undergraduate students minoring in environmental studies or marine studies, or graduate students pursuing an M.S. degree in Environmental Education or Science Education.


James M. DelVecchio Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be an active member of the football program of high academic standing.


James S. Galardi Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student pursuing a business degree with the School of Business. The student must be of high academic standing. The students financial need and community service will be considered.


James W. Moore Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Exercise science
238058, 238111, 238217
The recipient must be a graduate student who has completed 12 - 15 credits in their Exercise Science major.  The student must have a GPA of 3.3 or higher. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered.


Jane Brown Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Graduate Undergraduate Education major
238066, 238104, 238206
The recipient must be majoring in Education. 

Jean V. Norrish Endowed Scholarship Fund

Health Sciences
238069, 238121
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student majoring in a Health Science field. The student must be of high academic standing. 

Jean Z., Otto A. and Andrea Z. Kruger Endowed Scholarship

238066, 238104, 238206
The recipient must be a full time Sophomore, Junior, or Senior majoring in Education. The student must have a GPA of 3.2 or higher. 


Jess L. Dow Football Awards Endowment

The recipient must be an active member of the football program. 

Jess L. Dow Football Awards Endowment - TACKLING

Tackling Football
The recipient must be a student athlete in tackling on the football team.

Jess L. Dow Football Awards Endowment -BLOCKING

Blocking Football
The recipient must be a student athlete in blocking on the football team.

Jessie Elizabeth Sandler Scholarship for Nursing Students

238069, 238142, 238246
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full time or part time, majoring in Nursing. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and be in financial need. Priority consideration to students interested in working with Pediatric patients.


Joan Specter and Louise (Dode) Jonegward Endowed Scholarship

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student with financial need. The student must have a GPA of 2.0 or higher.


Joann C. Powers Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Nursing Health care
The recipient must be a full time or part time undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in the School of Health and Human Services. The student must be in good academic standing and demonstrate financial need. The student must have an interest in a health care discipline.
Priority consideration will be given to an undergraduate student majoring in Nursing or a graduate student who is enrolled in a degree program in Nursing.


John & Christine Powderly Endowed Football Scholarship

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate and an active member of the football team. Priority consideration given to those with financial need.


John A. and Teresa Dilger Endowed Scholarship

Undergraduate Graduate

The recipient must be an incoming or current undergraduate or graduate student. Preference will be given to a student who is part of the first generation in their family to attend college. 

John and Margaret McKeon Sullivan Endowed Scholarship Fund

Elementary Education Special Education
238066, 238104, 238172, 238206, 238269
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student pursuing a degree in Elementary Education or Special Education. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and demonstrate financial need.


John H. Williamson Endowed Scholarship Fund

Special Education
238066, 238172, 238269

The recipient must be an academically outstanding undergraduate student who is enrolled full time and majoring in Special Education. 


Joseph & Anita Sabatino Charitable Fund

The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full or part time in the School of Education with a GPA of 2.5 or higher. The student must have completed 60 or more credits and demonstrate a commitment to community service and financial need.


Joseph and Mary Villano Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

Special Education
238066, 238172, 238269
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student in their Junior or Senior year majoring in Special Education. The student must be of high academic standing.

Joseph Polka Endowed Scholarship

Sociology First Generation
238064, 238171, 238267
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student majoring in Sociology. Preferance will be given to a first generation college student.


Joseph V. and Mary Grace Ciaburri Endowed Scholarship

School of Business
The recpient must be a student in the School of Business. 


Joseph V. Rossi, '93 Endowed Scholarship Fund

Beta Mu Sigma Fraternity
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student. The student must be a member of the Beta Mu Sigma fraternity. If there are no members of the Beta Mu Sigma fraternity that qualify then the scholarship will be awarded to a member of another fraternity. The student must maintain a GPA of 2.7 or higher. Priority consideration will be given to students with financial need.


Joyce M. Saltman Endowed Scholarship Fund

Special Education
238066, 238172, 238269
The recipient must be a full time Senior majoring in Special Education. The student must be of high academic standing and be in financial need. The student must write an essay not to exceed 500 words that demonstrates their commitment to using humor in special education.


Joyce S. Olszewski Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

Theatre major
238064, 238175, 238274
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student majoring in Theatre of high academic standing. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered.


Joyce Stochmal Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

Biology Chemistry
238064, 238087, 238091, 238193, 238196
The recipient must be a full time Junior or Senior majoring in Biology or Chemistry. The student must be of high academic standing. Preference will be given to a student who is a resident of Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Derby, Naugatuck, Oxford, Seymour, and Shelton.


Judaic Studies Endowment

Judaic Studies

Judaic Studies Endowment

Julia A. Kobus Endowed Scholarship Fund

Nursing Public Health
238069, 238070, 238142, 238153, 238246, 238255
The recipient must be a full time Sophmore, Junior, Senior, or graduate student majoring in Nursing or Public Health. The student must be female with a GPA of 3.0 or higher and demonstrate financial need.


Julia Szabo George Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

Elementary Education
238066, 238104
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student majoring in Elementary Education. The student must be of high academic standing and be in financial need. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered.

Karen Sortito Memorial Fund

Communications Marketing
238064, 238065, 238092, 238136
The recipient must be a full or part time undergraduate student majoring in Communications or Marketing. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and show financial need. The student must also be a resident of Connecticut.


Kathryn Morgan Kelly Endowed Scholarship Fund

Art History Art Education Studio Art
238058, 238064, 238066, 238084, 238104, 238186, 238188, 238273
The recipient must be a full time Junior or Senior, or a full or part time graduate student.  Th student must be majoring in Art HIstory, Art Education, or Studio Art. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will be considered. Preference will be given to a graduate of Hamden High School.

Kevin B. Gilbride '74 and Deborah Gilbride Endowed Athletic Fund

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student and an active member of the football team. 


Kevin M. McNamara Endowed Scholarship

Graduate Student Speech-Language Pathology
238058, 238069
The student must be a FT or PT graduate student in the Speech-Language Pathology program in the College of Health and Human Services. The student must have completed 30 graduate credits in the SLP program.

Kim Laliberti '98 Endowed Scholarship

Special Education
238066, 238172, 238269
The recipient must be an undergraduate student majoring in Special Education. The student must have a GPA of 2.7 or higher.


KTM Memorial Annual Scholarship Fund (Football)

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student on the football team.  

Landino Family Scholarship Fund

English Secondary Education

The recipient must be an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled full time. The student must be majoring in English with a concentration in English Secondary Education. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and demonstrate financial need.


Larry L. & Martha J. Bingaman Scholarship Fund

Business Administration
238065, 238194

The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full or part time in the School of Business pursuing a degree in Business Administration. The student must be a Sophomore, Junior, or Senior and maintain a GPA of 2.8 or higher. The student must also be a resident of CT.
Priority consideration will be given to those with financial need, volunteer service, club involvement, or those who submit 1-2 letters of recommendation.


Lawrence D. McHugh Endowed Football Scholarship


The recipient must be a member of the football team of high academic standing.


Lenore Palumbo Robbins Endowed Art Scholarship Fund

238064, 238066, 238084, 238104, 238185, 238186
The recipient must be a Sophomore, Junior, or Senior enrolled full time or part time and majoring in Art or Art Education. The students financial need will be considered as well as their contributions to the University and/or the community. The student must be of high academic standing.

Lisa Marie Tribanas Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Media Studies
238064, 238139, 238241
The recipient must be a full time Junior or Senior majoring in Media Studies. The student must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher.  Priority consideration will be given to students who demonstrate dedication to the discipline of Media Studies.


Lois Elizabeth Johnson Endowed Scholarship Fund

Graduate Library
238058, 238066, 238125, 238230, 238237

The recipient must be a graduate student enrolled full or part time and pursuing a Master of Library and Information Science degree. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. The students contributions to the University and/or community will also be considered.
Priority consideration will be given to full time graduate students.


Lois Shine Lehr Nursing Endowed Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full or part time in the Department of Nursing. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.


Lottie Topp Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

Educational Leadership Education Graduate
238058, 238066, 238104, 238106, 238206, 238209
The recipient must be a graduate student majoring in Educational Leadership or Education.  The student must be of high academic standing. 

Louis and Mary Fusco Distinguished Lecture Series

The student must have applied and been accepted by the university for admission as a full-time undergraduate freshman student. The student's high school record should show above average grade poiint average and standardized test scores or outstanding potential of future academic achievement at SCSU. 

Awarded by Admissions.


Louis F. DeLuca Endowed Scholarship

238064, 238084, 238185, 238186, 238188, 238273
The recipient must be an Art major.

Louise DiRuccio Endowed Scholarship Fund

238066, 238104
The recipient must be a Junior or Senior majoring in Education. The student must be of high academic standing. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered.


Louise O'Neal Endowed Scholarship

The recipient must be a member of a women's intercollegiate athletic team.



M.J. Landino Endowed Scholarship Fund

Elementary Education
238066, 238104
The recipient must be a full time graduate student or a full time undergraduate in their sophomore, junior, or senior year. The student must be majoring in Elementary Education with high academic standing. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered. 

Mackey Barron Endowed Scholarship

The student must have applied and been accepted by the university for admission as a full time student. The recipient must demonstrate financial need and the recipient should have a minimum of a 2.8 GPA.


Manson Van B. Jennings Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund (MATH)

Math major Undergraduate
238064, 238138, 238240
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full time majoring in Math. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.


Manson Van B. Jennings Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund (MS MATH EDU)

238058, 238066, 238104, 238138
The recipient must be a full or part time graduate student pursuing a M.S. degree in Mathematics Education or a Master of Arts in Teaching with a Concentration of Math 7-12. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.


Manson Van B. Jennings Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund (SCIENCE)

Biology Chemistry Physics
238064, 238087, 238091, 238147, 238193, 238196, 238250
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full time majoring in biology, chemistry, or physics. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.


Marco & Alda Samela Memorial Scholarship

Disability Resource Center
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full time and demonstrate academic achievement with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. The student must have completed 24 credits at SCSU. 
Priority consideration will be given to a student who is non-ambulatory or semi-ambulatory, or who is deaf, blind or legally blind.


Marguerite Burnham Scholarship Fund

Elementary Education
238058, 238066, 238104
The recipient must be a full time graduate student or a full time undergraduate in their Junior or Senior year. The student must be majoring in Elementary Education and of high academic standing. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered. 

Marguerite Fortier Smirnoff Memorial Scholarship Fund

Foreign Language French
238220, 238179
The recipient must be a Junior or Senior and majoring in a foreign language. The student must have a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Preference will be given to a full time student and those majoring in French.

Marriage and Family Therapy Program Endowment Fund

Marriage and Family Therapy
238064, 238137, 238239
The recipients must be majoring in Marriage and Family Therapy programs.

Mary A. Lehman Memorial Scholarship Fund

Junior Senior

The recipient must be a Junior or Senior of high academic standing. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered.


Mary and Michael Malafronte Endowed Scholarship Fund

Elementary Education Secondary Education
238066, 238104
The recipient must be a full time or part time Sophomore, Junior or Senior majoring in Elementary or Secondary Education. The student must be of high academic standing. Preference will be given to Elementary majors and students coming from an inner-city community. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered as well as their financial need.


Mary Beth Antin Memorial Endowed Scholarship

238064, 238084, 238185
The recipient must be a part time or a full time student majoring in Art. The student must have a GPA of 3.2 or higher.


Mary E. & Albert J. Petto Endowed Scholarship

238064, 238123, 238228
The recipient must be a full time or part time undergraduate student majoring in History. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. 


Mary McNulty Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Special Education
238066, 238172, 238269
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student majoring in Special Education with high academic standing.


Mary Miller O'Brien Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

Milford, CT Nursing
238070, 238142, 238246

The recipient must be a full time or part time Sophomore, Junior, or Senior majoring in Nursing. The student must be of high academic standing. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered as well as their financial need. Preference will be given to a student from Milford, CT.


Mary O'Brien Galardi Endowed Scholarship Fund

Biology Education Milford, CT
238066, 238087, 238104, 238193, 238206
The recipient must be a full time or part time Sophomore, Junior, or Senior majoring in Biology while working toward certifcation in Education. The student must be of high academic standing. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered along with their financial need. Preference will be give to a student from Milford, CT.


Maureen L. Bornstein Class of 1957 Scholarship

Education First generation
238066, 238104
The recipient must be enrolled full time in the School of Education with a declared major in Education. The student must demonstrate high academic achievement and be a U.S. citizen. Preference will be given to those individuals who are first generation in the country (i.e., child of immigrant parents). 


Michael Bruneau and Diane Palmento Communication Disorders Endowment

Communication Disorders Graduate
238068, 238200
The recipient must be an incoming or current graduate student in the Communication Disorders Program.


Michael V. Altieri Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Crescent Players
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full time and an active participant in the Crescent Players. The student must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher and demonstrate financial need. Priority consideration will be given to the student having the highest GPA.


Michael Vanacore Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be pursing advanced study for a coaching career in football.


Michael Vena Endowed Scholarship

Italian major Resident of Norwalk, CT (prefered)
238233, 238179
The recipient must be an undergraduae student enrolled full time majoring in Italian (in the School of Arts and Sciences). Preference is for a student from Norwalk, CT. 


Mike Katz Endowed Football Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate with high academic standing and a member of the football team.


Mike Rich and Family Scholarship - In Memory of Elaine Cohen

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate and an active team member in the Football Program.  



Mildred Schepart Gosden Family Endowed Scholarship Fund

238069, 238142, 238246
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled in the School of Health and Human Services in the Department of Nursing. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Priority consideration will be given to students showing special interest in gerontology or the physically handicapped, non-traditional adult female students, and students enrolled part time.


Mildred Sternschuss Sneiderman Memorial Fund

Early Childhood
238066, 238104

The student must be a sophomore, junior, or senior enrolled full time in the School of Education. The student must be admitted into the Early Childhood Education certification program and have a GPA of 2.7 or higher. Priority consideration will be given to Early Childhood Education majors and students with financial need.

Preference will be given to students who have demonstrated a high level of accomlishment, creativity, and enthusiasm for inclusive, quality education. this may be reflected through student service projects or volunteer activity as noted in their application and/or clarified by faculty members of the selection team.


Milford J. Deprey Science Educator Scholarship Fund

Environmental Education Science
The recipient must be a graduate student enrolled full time or part time. The student must be pursuing a Master's degree in; Environmental Education - Master of Science, Science Education - Master of Science, Science Education (ISIS) - Sixth Year Certificate or a Science Education - Teacher Certification. 



MSW Classes 88 & 89 Scholarship

Social Work
238072, 238170, 238266
The recipient must be a Junior, Senior, or graduate student enrolled full time majoring in Social Work. The student must be a single parent and in financial need.


Muriel Davis Grossfeld Endowed Gymnastics Scholarship

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate and a member of the Women’s Gymnastics Team.


Music Department Annual Scholarship Fund

238064, 238141, 238243
The recipient must be a sophomore, junior, or senior majoring in Music. The student must be of high academic standing; the student's contributions and participation in the University Music program will be considered.

Myerson Endowed Scholarship for Computer Science

Computer Science
238064, 238095, 238201
The recipient must be an undergraduate or graduate enrolled full or part time majoring in Computer Science. 


Myrtle Leonard Annual Scholarship

European History History
238064, 238123, 238216, 238228
The recipient to a full time or part time undergraduate student who has completed at least 60 credits and majoring in History. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Priority consideration given to a student focusing on European History.


Nancy B. Palmieri Memorial Scholarship

238066, 238104
The recipient must be an undergraduate full time student accepted into the School of Education who demonstrates outstanding potential to be a leader in early childhood education. The student must have a GPA of 3.2 or higher and be a resident in the State of Connecticut.


Natalie and Alex Sandomirsky Endowed Book Fund

Honors Program

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student in good standing that is participating in the Honors College Program.

Nathan Winnick Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

Exercise Science Athletics
238069, 238085, 238111, 238217
The recipient must be a full time Sophomore majoring in Exercise Science or be a member of a varsity team. The student must be of high academic standing and in financial need.


Neil Thomas Proto Scholarship Fund

238064, 238149
The recipient must be an undergraduate or graduate student seeking to attend law school. The student must have a GPA of 2.9 or higher and completed 75 or more credits. The recipient wil demonstrate in a personal statement and in an interview that he or she has meaningfully contributed to the community, state, or national life thru University, course-related, work or family related activities. Preference will be given to a student who has demonstrated financial need. Scholarship will be awarded in the Spring semester.


NewAlliance Foundation Endowed Scholarship

238246, 238142
The recipient must be majoring in Nursing.

Nicholas F. DeFelice '61 Endowed Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student in good academic standing and an active member of the football team.


Nico Saraceni Memorial Scholarship

Creative Writing Film, Television, Digital Production
238064, 238203
The recipient must be an incoming or current undergraduate or graduate student. The student must have a concentration in Film, Television, and Digital Production or a concentration in Creative Writing or a Minor in Film Studies or Creative Writing.

Oaklawn Foundation Presidential Scholarship

The candidate must be an  academically outstanding undergraduate student(s) (incoming freshman are eligible) enrolled, or to be enrolled, full-time at the University. The candidate must demonstrate high academic standing by achieving a 3.0 GPA or higher. Must be a U.S. Citizen.

This scholarship may be renewed anually to the recipient(s) providied satisfactory academic progress is achieved and provided all criteria above continue to be met.

Awarded by Admissions.


Orlando Family Endowed Scholarship Fund

238066, 238104, 238206
The recipient must be a full time Senior majoring in Education. The student must be of high academic standing. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered.


Osprey-SMG Endowed Scholarship for Environmental and Marine Studies

Werth Center Center for Environmental Literacy and Sustainability
The recipient must be enrolled in the Department of the Environment, Geography, and Marine Sciences. The student must be an undergraduate or graduate enrolled full time in the fall or spring semester or part time during the summer. Undergraduate students must maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher and Graduate students must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher. The student must be conducting research with a faculty mentor for the Werth Center for Coastal and Marine Studies OR the Center for Environmental Literacy and Sustainability Education.
Priority consideration will be given to those engaged in work that directly connects their academic focus to the work of the Werth Center for Coastal and Marine Studies or the Center for Environmental Literacy and Sustainability Education.



Pamela and Christian Rendeiro Endowed Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a full time student of high academic standing in their Junior or Senior year. The student must be involved in at least one non-recreational University or community activity. 


Paolo & Rosa Giordano Endowed Scholarship in Modern Languages

238064, 238179, 238220, 238233, 238268
The recipient must be a full time sophomore, junior, or senior enrolled in a major in the Department of World Languages and Literatures. The student must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Preference will be given to students who are majoring in Italian and those with financial need.


Paul Hudak Memorial Nursing Scholarship

Nursing ACE
238142, 238246, 238069
The recipient must be in the School of Nursing's Accelerated Career Entry (ACE) Program. The student must be in financial need. Preference will be given to at least one of the students being from an underrepresented population.

Paul J. Cubeta & John P. Cubeta Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Study Abroad - Summer

The recipient must be enrolled as a full time undergraduate  student in the spring semester preceding the summer in which the student intends to study abroad. The student must be enrolled in an approved summer course to study abroad. Preference will be given to students with no previous international travel experience.


Pauline Katz Scholarship

Elementary Education
The recipient must be an incoming or current undergraduate student majoring in Elementary Education. The student must maintain satisfactory academic progress. Preference given to students in financial need.


Pauline P. Schwartz Endowed Scholarship Fund

International student

The recipient must be a full time international undergraduate/graduate student who could not remain in school without this scholarship.

Pauline R. Lang Endowed Scholarship Fund

Social Work
238069, 238170, 238266
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student majoring in Social Work with high academic standing. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered.

Pearl Rosenstein Endowed Scholarship Fund

238058, 238115
The recipient must be a full time or part time graduate student of high academic standing.

Peter & Barbara Cairney Endowed Arts Scholarship

Theatre Music Art
238064, 238084, 238141, 238175, 238185, 238243, 238274
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full time in the College of Arts & Sciences and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. The student must be majoring in Theatre, Music, or Art and demonstrate active involvement with the major's curricular and co-curricular areas. The student must have financial need.


Peter and Alice Ferraro Endowed Scholarship Fund

Education Math
238064, 238066, 238104, 238138, 238206, 238240
The recipient must be a full time sophomore, junior, or senior with a GPA of 3.2 or higher. The student must have financial need. In the even-numbered years, the recipient must be an Education major. In the odd-numbered years, a Math major.


Peter L. LoPresti Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

238066, 238104
The recipient must be a full time junior or senior majoring in Education. The student must be of high academic standing. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered.


Petrone Family Scholarship Fund

Elementary Education
238066, 238104, 238206
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student who is a graduate of Hamden High School (in Hamden, CT) and enrolled in a program at the University that is required to become certified to teach at the elementary or secondary level. Priority consideration will be given to students who have made contributions to the University and/or community. 


President Emeritus Michael J. Adanti Endowed Fund

The recipient must be full time undergraduate and a member of the Football team of high academic standing.


President Joe Bertolino & Dr. Bil Leipold Student Scholarship

The recipient must be an undergraduate returning student enrolled full time and a resident of CT. The student must maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher. One or two letters of recommendation from a University official will be considered in the selection process. Priority consideration will be given to students who have a high level of accomplishment and concern for the well being of he university or community reflected in the additional criteria (student club involvement and community service).  Priority consideration will also be given to students with financial need and from underrepresented groups (undocumented immigrant students who reside in CT are eligible). 


Prezant Family Scholarship for Transfer Students

To be eligible the candidate(s) must have successfully completed study with an AA or AS or in good standing with at least 24 credit hours completed at Gateway or Housatonic Community College and with a GPA of at least 3.0. 
While not limited to, this scholarship may be utilized and leveraged in coordination with formal transfer articulation programs with the community colleges and the university.

Awarded by Transfer Admissions & Financial Aid.


Prof. Joseph V. Greco Memorial Endowed Scholarship

238064, 238145, 238248
The recipient must be a full or part time student with a minimum of 9 credits in Philosphy. The student must be majoring in Philosophy or a declared minor in Philosophy or Religious Studies. The student must have an overall GPA of 3.24 and a GPA of 3.5 or higher in Philosophy.


Professor Jenette Kelly Endowed Scholarship Fund

238064, 238091, 238196
The recipient must be a full time sophomore, junior, or senior majoring in Chemistry within the College of Arts & Sciences. The student must demonstrate financial need and be of high academic standing.


Professor Olafs Zeidenbergs Endowed Scholarship Fund

Sculpture Painting Photography Printmaking
238064, 238084, 238273
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. The student must be enrolled in the University's Art Program. Special consideration will be given to a student specializing in sculpture (first), painting (second), photography (third), and printmaking (fourth). The student must demonstrate financial need.


Ralph DeSantis Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate of high academic standing and a member of the football team.


Raphaelia Petrillo Endowed Scholarship

238066, 238104
The recipient must be an incoming or current undergraduate or graduate student majoring in Elementary Education. The student must maintain satisfactory academic standing and be in financial need.

Raymond and Betty Kelleher D'Amato Endowed Scholarship

Elementary Education
238066, 238104
The recipient must be enrolled full time with a GPA of 3.2 or higher and majoring in Elementary Education. Consideration will be given to students with service to the University and the community.


Raymond W. Mattes Endowed Scholarship Fund

School of Business
The recipient must be a full time sophomore, junior, or senior majoring in a program in the School of Business. The student must be of high academic standing and be in financial need.


Richard T. Dwyer Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Theatre

238064, 238175, 238274
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full time majoring in Theatre. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.


Richard T. Illingworth Endowed Scholarship Fund

School of Business
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student enrolled in the School of Business. The sudent must demonstrate financial need. Priority consideration to those students who are first generation college students.


Rita A. and Salvatore A. Misasi, Sr. Endowed Scholarship Fund

Athletic Training
238190, 238069
The recipient must be an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled full time or part time in the School of Health and Human Services. Priority consideration will be give to a declared Athletic Training major. The student must have a GPA of 2.7 or higher. The student must write an essay to demonstrate why they feel they deserve the scholarship.


Rita and Ubaldo Tamburri Endowment for Italian Studies

Italian major
238064, 238233, 238179
The recipient must be an incoming or current undergraduate student. The student must be majoring or minoring in Italian Studies or be studying abroad in Italy. The student must be maintaining satisfactory academic progress. 


Rob Parker Journalism Annual Scholarship

238064, 238129, 238234
The recipient must be an incoming or current undergraduate or graduate student who is majoring or minoring in Journalism. The student must maintain satisfactory academic standing. 
Preference is to give two scholarship per year: (1) given to a journalism major or minor from an underrepresented group and (2) a journalism major or minor who is a sportswriter for the Southern News, or, has demonstrated an interest in sports writing.


Robert Corda Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

Cross Country Track
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student and a member of the men's/women's varsity cross-country track team.


Robert E. Kendall Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

238064, 238175, 238274
The recipient must be a full time junior majoring in Theatre with high academic standing.


Robert F. & Lesley Lee Herbst Endowed Scholarship Fund

Speech Language Pathology
238058, 238069
The recipient must be a graduate student enrolled full time or part time with a GPA of 3.0 or higher and majoring in Speech Language Pathology programs. The students financial need will be considered along with the students contributions to the University and community. 


Robin Marshall Glassman Journalism Annual Scholarship Award Fund

238064, 238129, 238234
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full time. The student must be a declared Journalism major with a minimum of 60 credits completed. The sudent must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and complete an Interview with the Scholarship Committee compromised from the Journalism Department. The student must Write a 500 word essay describin their interest in becoming a journalist and Write a paragraph describing how this scholarship will help them achieve their journalism goals. Priority consideration will be given to candidates with contributions to the University, department or community.


Rocco Colatrella Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

238064, 238175, 238274
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student majoring in Theatre with high academic standing. The applicants must provide two letters of recommendation from members of the faculty of the Theatre department.


Roger A. Milici, Sr. Annual Football Scholarship

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate or graduate studnent who is an active team member in the Football Program. 

Roger P. Blood Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund

Graduate English
238058, 238108, 238213
The recipient must be accepted to a Master's degree program in English with high academic standing. The students involvement in community serivce and service related organizations will also be considered.


Rosalind Flammia Membrino Memorial Award

Masters of Social Work
238058, 238069, 238170, 238266
The recipient must be in the Master's of Social Work program at SCSU and demonstrate excellence or special achievement during her time of graduate study. The student must be a woman who has returned to her studies later in life. The students financial need will be taken into consideration.


Rose Impellitteri Comcowich Memorial Endowed Scholarship

238066, 238104, 238206
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student majoring in Education of high academic standing. The student must be a graduate of Ansonia High School and in financial need.


Rose M. Verdi Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

Elementary Education
238066, 238104
The recipient must be in their Junior or Senior year majoring in Elementary Education with high academic standing. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered.

Rosemarie Conforti & Chris Piscitelli Endowed Scholarship


The recipient must be an undergraduate student of high academic standing. The student must be in financial need (and be Pell eligible). Preference will be given to students involved in campus activites/leadership.


Ruth E. Jett Memorial Scholarship

Exercise Science Human Performance
238217, 238066
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full time majoring in Exercise Science with a concentration in Human Performance. A student with an Allied Health or Sport Science concentration may also be chose. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and be in financial need.
Preference for a student who exemplifies the concept of "Fit Body-Fit Mind".


Ruth Landow Markle Memorial Scholarship Fund

Communication Disorders
238069, 238093, 238200
The recipient must be a full time Junior or Senior majoring in Communications Disorders. Preference will be given to a female student. The student must be of high academic standing and must exhibit the characteristics of creativity, innovation, and enthusiasm necessary to become a succesful speech/hearing pathologist or audiologist.

Ruthie's Endowed Scholarship for Higher Education

238064, 238129
The recipient shall be an incoming or current undergraduate or graduate student. The student must be enrolled full or part time. Preference will be given to one of these: a female student, or a student majoring in Journalism, or a non-traditional student.


Sage Family Trust Library Science Scholarship Fund

Library Science
238058, 238133, 238238
The recipient must be a full time graduate student enrolled in the Master's of Library Science program. The student must be a Connecticut Resident and they must have attained a cumulative gpa that is among the highest 10% of all the applicants.

Sally L. Spencer Endowed Scholarship

The student must be in financial need. 

Samuel Miller Brownell Memorial Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student with high academic standing. The student must demonstrate leadership and service to the University and/or community.


Sarafina Bimonte Kinnare Endowment

Social Work
238069, 238170, 238266
The recipient must  be in the undergraduate or graduate Social Work program enrolled full time or part time.  The student must have  a GPA of 3.0 or higher and demonstrate involvement in community service. Preference will be given to a single parent with dependent children. Preference will also be given to a student who is doing field work in a non-profit whose mission is to assist women and children. 

Scholar-Athlete Scholarship

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate of high academic standing. One female athlete and one male athlete will be chose.

School of Business Public Utility Management Program

The recipient will be awarded to full and part time students enrolled in the Public Utility Management Program in the School of Business.


Scott H. Shepard Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student of high academic standing and a member of the football team.


SCSU AAUP Memorial Scholarship

The recipient will be and undergraduate student enrolled full time who has completed 75 credits or more with a GPA of 3.5 or higher. The students financial need and community service will be considered.


SCSU Early College Scholarship

The candidate must be an incoming or current full time undergraduate student. The student must have participated in and successfully completed at least one SCSU Early College course prior to admission to SCSU. The student must maintain satisfactory academic standing.


SCSU Women's Association Endowed Scholarship Fund

238115, 238058
The recipient must be a full time Sophomore, Junior, Senior, or graduate student. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. The students financial need will be considered as well as their contributions to the University and/or the community. Preference will be given to a graduate student.


SCSUAA 75th Anniversary Endowed Scholarship

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student with high academic standing. The students contributions to the University will be considered.


Senior Citizen Endowed Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student with high academic standing. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered.

SGA-Cristina Cortese Leadership Endowed Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full time with a GPA of 2.5 or higher. The student must be involved in on campus organizations. The student should also demonstrate leadership to the university and/or service to the community.


SGA-Ricky Blakes Leadership Endowed Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be in good academic standing and enrolled full time. The student must demonstrate involvement in on campus student organizations. The student must also demonstrate leadership to the university and/or demonstrate service to the community.


Sidney Skolnick Endowed Scholarship Fund

238066, 238104
The recipient must be a full time Junior or Senior majoring in Education. The student must be of high academic standing. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered.


Social Work Program Endowment Fund

Social Work
238170, 238266, 238069
The recipient must be enrolled in the Social Work program.

Stanley Edward & Margaret Anne Rozewski Fund

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student. The student must be in compliance with NCAA eligibility legislation and be a member of the Men's Baseball Program.  Preferance will be given to a Freshman.


Stephen D. Vuolo Football Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student in good academic standing and a member of the football team. Preference to a student of Italian American heritage. 


Stuart A. Gerber Endowed Scholarship in Special Education

Special Education
238066, 238104
The recipient must be a graduate student enrolled full or part time majoring in Special Education. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.


Stutzman Family Foundation Music Scholarship

238064, 238141
The recipient is a student majoring in Music with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. The student must be enrolled in a department based music ensemble and applied lesson.



Sully's Crew Athletic Memorial Scholarship

The recipient must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student (including incoming freshman).  The recipient must be a student that works within the athletic department or a member of the SCSU Blue Crew/sports commission whose sole charge is to support athletics.  The student must maintain a GPA of a 2.3 or greater. A students financial need will be considered.


Susan and Barry Buxbaum Endowed Scholarship Fund

Special Education
238066, 238104
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate or graduate student majoring in Special Education. The student must demonstrate financial need and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.


Sylvia Balber Drexler Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student with high academic standing. The student must demonstrate financial need.


Sylvia Spino Endowed Scholarship

The recipient must be an undergraduate student in good academic standing and have financial need.

Ted & Pam Weiss Swimming Scholarship

Swimming Diving
The recipient must be a member of the Swimming & Diving team. 


The Andrew Heylmun Legacy Annual Scholarship

School of Business
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled within the School of Business. Preference will be given to a student who has contributed to the University and/or the community.

The Carolyn Vanacore Women's Sports Fund

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student with a GPA of 3.0 or higher and a member of a Women's intercollegiate athletic team. 


The Catherine A. Colley Annual Scholarship

Elementary Education
238066, 238104
The student must be a full time undergraduate student majoring in Elementary Education. 


The Cynthia Mae Owens Memorial Educational Scholarship

238066, 238104
The recipient must be a Junior or Senior enrolled full time in the School of Education with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. The student must be a Connecticut resident. Preferance will be given to Early Childhood Education majors and Elementary Education majors.

The Daniels DeFonce Family Endowed Scholarship

238104, 238142
The recipient must be a full time sophomore, junior or senior majoring in Elementary Education, Secondary Education, Special Education, or Nursing. The student must be of high academic standing and a commuter who resides in West Haven, CT. The students financial need will be considered as well as their contributions to the University and/or the community.


The DeFrancesco Family Memorial Endowed Scholarship

The recipient must be a full time sophomore, junior, or senior with high academic standing and have financial need.


The Drobish Family Endowed Scholarship

The recipient must be a full time sophomore, junior, or senior with a GPA of 2.7 or higher. The student must be active in clubs or activities at Southern. Priority consideration will be given to students holding a major leadership role on campus (Resident Advisor, Peer Mentor, club/organization President,  etc.). Secondary preference will be given to eligible students who are involved in student clubs and organizations but do not hold a major leadership position. Preference will also be given to students who have demonstrated a high level of accomplishment. 



The Frederick and Elizabeth McKeon Afragola Scholarship

Elementary Education Special Education
238066, 238104
The recipient must be an incoming or current undergraduate or graduate student majoring in Elementary or Special Education.


The Grace Rowe International Travel Award

International travel

The recipient must be a student pursuing a travel abroad program overseen by the Office of International Education. The student must be a matriculated undergraduate student enrolled full time in one of the colleges at SCSU. The student must have at least 24 successfully completed college credits earned at Southern with a GPA of 3.2 or higher. 
Priority consideration will be given for students in financial need, underrepresented minorities, and first-generation college students.

The International Studies Endowed Fund for Scholars

The recipient must be a full time sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student. The student must have a GPA of 3.25 or higher for undergrads or 3.0 or higher for grads. The scholarship is to help students looking to travel abroad.

The Jean Sutherland Fund (CFGNH)

The recipient will be a New Haven public school graduate living in New Haven. 

The Jung Family Fund

238058, 238125
The recipient must be a full time or part time graduate student enrolled in the School of Education Master of Library and Information Science Program pursuing a library media specialist degree or pursuing teacher certification as a School Library Media Specialist. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and demonstrate financial need. Preference for leadership ability and community service in college.


The Kathy Yalof Memorial Annual Scholarship

The recipient must be an incoming or current graduate student in any discipline. In addition to taking classes at the university, the student must be working either full or part time. 

The Melanie Coleman Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Gymnastics

The recipient must be in compliance with NCAA Eligibility Legislation and a member of the University Women's Gymnastics Team.


The Michlin-Soomekh Endowed Scholarship Fund

Social Work
238170, 238266, 238069
The recipient must have completed the requirements for entering the 2nd year practicum placement at the graduate level in the Department of Social Work with an interest in children and family services. The student must submit a personal statement indicating their interest in children and family services. The student must demonstrate high academic standing. The student must demonstrate a commitment to child and family welfare through their studies, volunteer efforts, and/or their professional work.


The Monarch Scholarship

Undocumented Student

This scholarship is to assist undocumented students.
- Must be an incoming or current undergraduate or graduate student.
- The student must be undocumented, and must have completed the Aid Application for CT Undocumented Students (AACTUS).
- Maintain satisfactory academic standing

The Morgan-Conquest Scholarship Fund

238066, 238104
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full time in the School of Education. The student must be in good academic standing with a GPA of 2.0 or higher. Preference will be given to a minority student.

The Nancy Laine Marano Endowed Scholarship Fund

238066, 238104
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full or part time in the School of Education. The student must have a GPA of 3.5 or higher and be in their Junior or Senior year.


The Paul McKee Endowed Scholarship

Data Science Psychology
The recipient must be an undergraduate student majoring or concentrating in either Data Science or Psychology. 
Preference will be given to students who are minoring in the opposite program from the above majors (Example: majoring in Data Science and minoring in Psychology, or majoring in Psychology and minoring in Data Science).

The Philip Sirignano Elementary Education Annual Scholarship

Elementary Education
238066, 238104
The recipient must be majoring in Elementary Education.


The Rebecca Ward '69 Scholarship

Spanish Education
238064, 238066, 238179
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full time. The student must have a GPA of 2.8 or higher and majoring in Spanish (7-12).


The Sandy Myerson '69 Endowed Scholarship

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student and a  member of the Women's Swim Team. 


The Thompson Family Endowed Scholarship

238064, 238151, 238254
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full time majoring in Psychology. The student must have completed 75 credits or more and at least 15 credits in Psychology. The student must maintain a GPA of 3.2 or higher. Preference will be given to a first generation student (first in their family to attend college).


Thérèse C. Petto Endowment Fund

World Languages
238064, 238179
The recipient must be a full or part time undergraduate student in the School of Arts and Science majoring in a World Language. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and demonstrate financial need.


Tim Coyne Soccer Memorial Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a member of the men's soccer team.

Tom Buch Child Welfare Endowed Scholarship Fund

Social Work
238058, 238069, 238170, 238266
The recipient must be a graduate student admitted to the University's Master of Social Work program. The student must be planning to pursue a career related to child welfare upon completion of their MSW degree. A graduate student who is currently employed in the child welfare area who is looking to enhance his/her skills will also be considered.
The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and should demonstrate financial need. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered.


Vern Williams Endowed Journalism Scholarship

238129, 238064
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full or part time as a Journalism major. The student must maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Preference will be given to a student who demonstrates extensive involvement in the field of journalism outside of the classroom.

Violet M. Bornemann Scholarship Fund

238066, 238104
The recipient must be a full time Junior or Senior majoring in Elementary Education of high academic standing. The students contributions to the University and/or the community will also be considered.

Walsh Family Endowed Scholarship Fund

Elementary Education
238066, 238104
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student majoring in Elementary Education. The student must be of high academic standing.


Walter Cheetham Scholarship Fund

Special Education
238066, 238104, 238172
The recipient must be a full time Junior or Senior majoring in Special Education. The student must be of high academic standing.

William "Doc" and Joan Holley Endowed Scholarship

Special Education Physical Education
238066, 238104, 238146, 238172, 238249, 238269
The recipient must be a sophomore, junior, or senior enrolled full time in the School of Education majoring in Special Education or Physical Education. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.


William J. McCarthy Athletic Training Scholarship Fund

Athletic Training
238069, 238190
The recipient must be a full time graduate student pursuing a degree in Athletic Training. The student must have a GPA of 3.25 or higher. 


William Morgan Endowed Scholarship

Track Education
238085, 238066
The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student and a member of the women's track & field team. Preference will be given to a student enrolled in the School of Education. 


William R. Elwood Annual Scholarship

238064, 238175, 238274
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full time who is a declared Theatre major in the School of Arts and Sciences. The student must have 60 or more credits with a GPA of 3.5 or higher. The award is to alternate between Acting/Directing and Design/Technical Theatre.


Women's Sports Fund

The recipient must be a female athlete who is enrolled full time. 


World Languages & Literatures Annual Scholarship

World Languages
238179, 238064
The recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full time at the University. The student must have a GPA of 3.5 or higher. The student must be majoring/minoring in a World Language with a completion of 12 undergraduate credits in their program. The student must have expressed a desire to study abroad. 

Yulo Family Endowed Scholarship Fund

The recipient must be a full time undergraduate student with high academic standing and demonstrate financial need.
